Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Birthday Wish List

Hey guys,
It's Phuocsterx3!
It's almost my birthday so I made a wish list for fun! PRETTY???
I will list everything later....

Wish List


Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 2: your favorite bag that you own

Hey guys,
It's phuocsterx3!
I know I'm two days late but I couldn't get it done due to my recovery and couldn't keep my eyes straight on a computer. I really love this purse! I take it everywhere and it fits everything that i want to put in it; my phone, wallet, and lipgloss.

Day 2


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 1: your favorite eyeliner

Hey guys,
It's phuocsterx3!!!
I love this eyeliner! It's very precise and create a fine thin line. It also include eyelash booster so that's a PLUS! You guys should really try it out the next time you see it.

Day 1


Thirty Days Beauty/Fashion Challenge

Hey guys,
It's Phuocsterx3. I'm starting my blog and I want to do this challenge =]
So jump in a join the fun. I promise you won't regret it.

Day 01 — Your favorite eyeliner
Day 02 — Your favorite bag that you own
Day 03 — Your favorite brush
Day 04 — Your favorite foundation
Day 05 — Your favorite thing to do
Day 06 — Anything Hello Kitty
Day 07 — Your Favorite animal
Day 08 — A photo that makes you laugh
Day 09 — Your favorite pair of shoes
Day 10 — Current fashion/style you like
Day 11 — Bag you want to have
Day 12 — Your Favorite color
Day 13 — Photo of your fashion/style icon
Day 14 — Photo of a hairstyle/haircut you'd like to have
Day 15 — Photo of your favorite bracelet
Day 16 — Music you like
Day 17 — Fashion Pieces that's on your to-buy list
Day 18 — Your favorite beauty guru
Day 19 — Your favorite look from a beauty guru
Day 20 — Your favorite mascara
Day 21 — Your favorite lip stick
Day 22 — What makes you happy
Day 23 — Place where you want to live
Day 24 — Your favorite food
Day 25 — What do you want to get from luux
Day 26 — An Item from your wishlist
Day 27 — Your favorite skincare product
Day 28 — Your favorite drink
Day 29 — Photo of something that makes you go awww
Day 30 — Your favorite nail polish
