Friday, April 29, 2011

Pretty in Pink

Hey guys!!!
it's Phuocsterx3...
I know it's been a while since I've done a post but TODAY, I actually dressed up. I finally felt really confident and beautiful today ever since the accident... overall, it's just not the same. I don't feel the same, I don't look the same, and I just want it to go away so I can be the same again. Live Laugh Love! Keep your heads up and continue to SMILE =].

Pretty in Pink


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Forever 21 Haul

Hey guys,
It's Phuocsterx3!!!
One of my sweet friend bought me a gift card to F21 for my birthday so I spent it like no other LOL. I'm really loving the Hammer Pants trend so I decided to get myself one. I will be uploading a video about it soon... I hope.
But while you are waiting enjoy the picture lol.

F21 haul

Hammer pants - $23
Cropped floral top - 18


Thrift Store Haul

Hey guys,
It's Phuocsterx3!!!
I went thrift shopping for my birthday and it was so much FUN!
I'm pretty tiny so I went to the little boys section and got myself 2 blazer.
I'm still in a look out for a white one. I'm so happy I got these.
Tosing them into the shower right now....
and I also got the bow pin!

Thrift store

Black Blazer - $5
Greenish tan Blazer - $4
White shirt - $3
Bow Pink - 50cents